I spent a lot of money in October and November of '02, after I got back from the Dakotas, on fixing the house in Georgetown up for sale. In fact, after new paint and texture, sheetrock work, and a roof, the darn thing was just too good to sell.
Or so it seems.
I was also neck deep in trying to sell my mother's house, and thus settle the estate. I had more success there. But all the way through Christmas, and much of the spring, despite a few small trips, I was pretty much tied down to Georgetown. And yet....
Pssst. C'mere. Can you keep a secret? Come closer. Let me whisper a little something in your shell-like ear. You ready for this?
It is a little known fact that interesting things can actually happen AT HOME! No kidding. I wouldn't make stuff up.
Of course the travel industry would rather you didn't know this.
So you understand it is at considerable personal risk, and with not a little trepidation, that I am offering the following rare stay-at-home adventures. Cheap, too. Wrapping is extra.
Better hurry up and read them. I think I hear helicopters.
Black helicopters.