July 4, 2003

Second Wind

I made a couple of short excursions during the winter, but this is the first big trip since I retired in November of '02.

The house was empty and for sale, but buyers were scarce. After sitting in the driveway for 6 months, I was getting bored. Hey, I was a gradual student once. Boredom I can take. But then the temperatures around Georgetown, Texas, started climbing. And climbing. When it reached 100 degrees, I took a long sweaty look at the wheels on this trailer. Still round. Still rolled. So what was I doing here?

I cut out for cooler climes.

I was the Tourist from Hell, or at least the Outskirts. Like in the Austin Lounge Lizards song: "I'm Number 667, the Neighbor of the Beast". I was taking a bead on salvation in the form of 70 degrees. I wasn't of a mind to compromise on cool. But other than that I was pretty open to Divine Guidance or the Advice of Friends, whichever came first.

Sometimes it's a little hard to tell the difference.


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